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Register as a conscientous objector

You can now submit your application for exemption form.

In 1916 when conscription was introduced to Britain during WW1, men who registered as conscientious objectors had to prove their sincerity of conscience through written statements and verbal arguments at tribunals.


100 years later, although there is no longer national service in this country, the state continues to take our financial involvement in war for granted. 


Hundreds have been registering as conscientious objectors to military tax, with statements detailing why they fundamentally object to the government conscripting their taxes to violent ends. 

If you haven't done so already, please register your objection by filling out this form! 


By completing this form you agree to be listed on our website, and agree to having your supporting statement shared online. We will not sell or rent your details to anyone else. Conscience may occasionally contact you with promotional information we believe is relevant to you.

How to submit your form

Please either complete the form on your right, or download and fill in the pdf version (below)

Send your application for exemption

Thanks for submitting!

If you choose to download the pdf, either email your application by clicking here or post it to the Conscience office.

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